For a song which is pretty playful it’s also quite ominous and dark with the titular Cockroach’s victims being people who are seemingly safe and sound in their beds. The idea of some psycho killer lurking about a town and driving fear and paranoia into the hearts of everyone is right at the center of so many great horror films – Scream, The Town That Dreaded Sundown, and Halloween (duh). ‘Cockroach Strikes Again ’ is one of my favourite TBR tracks and it really encapsulates a horror flick kinda vibe. When you’re thinking of punk rock and Halloween there’s a lot of obvious choices around (I’m looking at you Danzig ) but there’s plenty of skate punk bands that aren’t afraid to play around on the dark side – and Teenage Bottlerocket do it as good as anyone. Teenage Bottlerocket – ‘Cockroach Strikes Again’ One for the old school horror/metal fans! I remember this was on the soundtrack to Ghoulies II and it’s a cracking track (especially live). – ‘Scream Until You Like’ ( Ghoulies II Soundtrack ) If you’d rather Jonathan’s vocals, go find the movie and watch in awe! Orchestrated by KoRn ‘s Jonathan Davis ( who sadly couldn’t use his voice on the album due to label issues) he enlisted the help of friends to fill the void and create a stack of songs that have lasted longer than the movie’s legacy! David’s performance on ‘Forsaken’ is haunting and sets the tone for the entire album. When you think of horror movies and soundtracks that set the mood, the Queen of the Damned soundtrack is up there with one of the absolute best. David Draiman – ‘Forsaken’ (from the Queen of the Damned Soundtrack ) Check out of our picks for the best tunes to soundtrack your annual trick or treat.

We have a wide variety of rock genres covered here, from blues classics to nu-metal, spooky-core and punk. Our little coven has previously shared the best songs from horror movies and the most horrific Halloween songs so we got together to plan an ultimate Halloween themed playlist. Here at Wall of Sound we love Halloween: the candy, the dress ups, the horror movies and, of course, the music.